The Music Box is a compilation of new and old favorites. Rather than try to remain strictly current, the reviews will simply follow my listening pattern... hopefully introducing you to something you've never heard, or re-visit something you've moved past.

Pomplamoose: Youtube Videosongs

You know when it’s 2am, and you see your friend has posted a youtube video on your facebook wall, and so you watch it, and then it’s extraordinarily interesting, and you want more of it, so you click on all the related videos, and then it’s 4am, and you have to wake up in a few hours, and you hate yourself a little bit, but enjoyed the time you spent none-the-less? That is exactly what happened with indie duo Pomplamoose (Jack Conte and Nataly Dawn) and their “VideoSongs” a new medium defined by Conte with 2 rules:
1. What you see is what you hear (no lip-syncing for instruments or voice).
2. If you hear it, at some point you see it (no hidden sounds).
Although their music is available as mp3’s and the like, I highly recommend watching their videos. It is unbelievably fascinating watching how they break down the complexity of a recording, and achieve all the effects with just the two of them. Also, the music is fantastic. Dawn’s voice brings you back 60 years with a goose-bump producing vibrato, while Conte’s passion and enjoyment of what he does is purely displayed. I’m officially hooked.
Listen to: If You Think You Need Some Lovin, Be Still, and a cover of your choice
pomplamoose website
pomplamoose video song: If You Think You Need Some Lovin

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